近年来,由于图表代表学习的出色表现,图形神经网络(GNN)技术在许多真实情景中获得了相当大的兴趣,例如推荐系统和社交网络。在推荐系统中,主要挑战是从其互动中学习有效的用户/项目表示。但是,由于它们对数据集和评估度量的差异,比较使用GNNS用于推荐系统的GNN的许多出版物。此外,其中许多只提供了一个演示,以对小型数据集进行实验,这很远可在现实世界推荐系统中应用。为了解决这个问题,我们介绍了Graph4Rec,这是一个Universal Toolkit,它统一地将GNN模型培训到以下部分:图表输入,随机步行生成,自我图形生成,对生成和GNNS选择。从这个训练管道,可以通过一些配置轻松建立自己的GNN模型。此外,我们开发了一个大规模的图形引擎和参数服务器,以支持分布式GNN培训。我们进行系统和全面的实验,以比较不同GNN模型在不同规模中的若干场景中的性能。证明了广泛的实验以识别GNN的关键组分。我们还尝试弄清楚稀疏和密集的参数如何影响GNN的性能。最后,我们研究了包括负面采样,自我图形建设顺序和温暖开始策略的方法,以找到更有效和高效的GNNS在推荐系统上做法。我们的工具包基于PGL HTTPS://github.com/paddlePaddle/pgl,并且在https://github.com/paddlepaddle/pgl/tree/main/apps/graph4rec中打开代码。
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在本文中,我们提出了一个大型详细的3D面部数据集,FACESCAPE和相应的基准,以评估单视图面部3D重建。通过对FACESCAPE数据进行训练,提出了一种新的算法来预测从单个图像输入的精心索引3D面模型。 FACESCAPE DataSet提供18,760个纹理的3D面,从938个科目捕获,每个纹理和每个特定表达式。 3D模型包含孔径级面部几何形状,也被处理为拓扑均匀化。这些精细的3D面部模型可以表示为用于详细几何的粗糙形状和位移图的3D可线模型。利用大规模和高精度的数据集,进一步提出了一种使用深神经网络学习特定于表达式动态细节的新颖算法。学习的关系是从单个图像输入的3D面预测系统的基础。与以前的方法不同,我们的预测3D模型在不同表达式下具有高度详细的几何形状。我们还使用FACESCAPE数据来生成野外和实验室内基准,以评估最近的单视面重建方法。报告并分析了相机姿势和焦距的尺寸,并提供了忠诚和综合评估,并揭示了新的挑战。前所未有的数据集,基准和代码已被释放到公众以进行研究目的。
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Mixed-precision quantization has received increasing attention for its capability of reducing the computational burden and speeding up the inference time. Existing methods usually focus on the sensitivity of different network layers, which requires a time-consuming search or training process. To this end, a novel mixed-precision quantization method, termed CSMPQ, is proposed. Specifically, the TF-IDF metric that is widely used in natural language processing (NLP) is introduced to measure the class separability of layer-wise feature maps. Furthermore, a linear programming problem is designed to derive the optimal bit configuration for each layer. Without any iterative process, the proposed CSMPQ achieves better compression trade-offs than the state-of-the-art quantization methods. Specifically, CSMPQ achieves 73.03$\%$ Top-1 acc on ResNet-18 with only 59G BOPs for QAT, and 71.30$\%$ top-1 acc with only 1.5Mb on MobileNetV2 for PTQ.
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Recent breakthroughs in semi-supervised semantic segmentation have been developed through contrastive learning. In prevalent pixel-wise contrastive learning solutions, the model maps pixels to deterministic representations and regularizes them in the latent space. However, there exist inaccurate pseudo-labels which map the ambiguous representations of pixels to the wrong classes due to the limited cognitive ability of the model. In this paper, we define pixel-wise representations from a new perspective of probability theory and propose a Probabilistic Representation Contrastive Learning (PRCL) framework that improves representation quality by taking its probability into consideration. Through modelling the mapping from pixels to representations as the probability via multivariate Gaussian distributions, we can tune the contribution of the ambiguous representations to tolerate the risk of inaccurate pseudo-labels. Furthermore, we define prototypes in the form of distributions, which indicates the confidence of a class, while the point prototype cannot. Moreover, we propose to regularize the distribution variance to enhance the reliability of representations. Taking advantage of these benefits, high-quality feature representations can be derived in the latent space, thereby the performance of semantic segmentation can be further improved. We conduct sufficient experiment to evaluate PRCL on Pascal VOC and CityScapes to demonstrate its superiority. The code is available at https://github.com/Haoyu-Xie/PRCL.
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视觉变形金刚(VITS)继承了NLP的成功,但它们的结构尚未充分调查并针对视觉任务进行优化。最简单的解决方案之一是通过CNN中的广泛使用的神经结构搜索(NAS)直接搜索最佳的问题。但是,我们经验探讨了这种直接的适应将遇到灾难性的失败,并对超级形式的培训感到沮丧。在本文中,我们认为,由于VITS主要在令牌嵌入具有很小的归纳偏差上运行,因此不同架构的通道的不平衡将使重量共享假设恶化并导致培训不稳定。因此,我们开发了一种新的循环重量共享机制,用于令牌的VITS嵌入式,这使得每个通道能够更均匀地贡献所有候选架构。此外,我们还提出了身份转移,以减轻超级形式的多对一问题,并利用弱的增强和正规化技术以维持更稳定的培训。基于这些,我们所提出的方法Vitas在Deit-and Twins的Vits中取得了显着的优势。例如,只有1.4美元的G拖鞋预算,我们搜索的架构有3.3 \%$ ImageNet-比基准Deit为1美元$ k准确性。我们的结果达到3.0美元,我们的结果达到了82.0 \%$ 1 $ k,$ 1 $ k,$ 45.9 \%$ 2017 $上涨,这是2.4美元的$ 2.4 \%$优于其他VITS。
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This paper focuses on designing efficient models with low parameters and FLOPs for dense predictions. Even though CNN-based lightweight methods have achieved stunning results after years of research, trading-off model accuracy and constrained resources still need further improvements. This work rethinks the essential unity of efficient Inverted Residual Block in MobileNetv2 and effective Transformer in ViT, inductively abstracting a general concept of Meta-Mobile Block, and we argue that the specific instantiation is very important to model performance though sharing the same framework. Motivated by this phenomenon, we deduce a simple yet efficient modern \textbf{I}nverted \textbf{R}esidual \textbf{M}obile \textbf{B}lock (iRMB) for mobile applications, which absorbs CNN-like efficiency to model short-distance dependency and Transformer-like dynamic modeling capability to learn long-distance interactions. Furthermore, we design a ResNet-like 4-phase \textbf{E}fficient \textbf{MO}del (EMO) based only on a series of iRMBs for dense applications. Massive experiments on ImageNet-1K, COCO2017, and ADE20K benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our EMO over state-of-the-art methods, \eg, our EMO-1M/2M/5M achieve 71.5, 75.1, and 78.4 Top-1 that surpass \textbf{SoTA} CNN-/Transformer-based models, while trading-off the model accuracy and efficiency well.
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Supervised Question Answering systems (QA systems) rely on domain-specific human-labeled data for training. Unsupervised QA systems generate their own question-answer training pairs, typically using secondary knowledge sources to achieve this outcome. Our approach (called PIE-QG) uses Open Information Extraction (OpenIE) to generate synthetic training questions from paraphrased passages and uses the question-answer pairs as training data for a language model for a state-of-the-art QA system based on BERT. Triples in the form of <subject, predicate, object> are extracted from each passage, and questions are formed with subjects (or objects) and predicates while objects (or subjects) are considered as answers. Experimenting on five extractive QA datasets demonstrates that our technique achieves on-par performance with existing state-of-the-art QA systems with the benefit of being trained on an order of magnitude fewer documents and without any recourse to external reference data sources.
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Transformer has achieved impressive successes for various computer vision tasks. However, most of existing studies require to pretrain the Transformer backbone on a large-scale labeled dataset (e.g., ImageNet) for achieving satisfactory performance, which is usually unavailable for medical images. Additionally, due to the gap between medical and natural images, the improvement generated by the ImageNet pretrained weights significantly degrades while transferring the weights to medical image processing tasks. In this paper, we propose Bootstrap Own Latent of Transformer (BOLT), a self-supervised learning approach specifically for medical image classification with the Transformer backbone. Our BOLT consists of two networks, namely online and target branches, for self-supervised representation learning. Concretely, the online network is trained to predict the target network representation of the same patch embedding tokens with a different perturbation. To maximally excavate the impact of Transformer from limited medical data, we propose an auxiliary difficulty ranking task. The Transformer is enforced to identify which branch (i.e., online/target) is processing the more difficult perturbed tokens. Overall, the Transformer endeavours itself to distill the transformation-invariant features from the perturbed tokens to simultaneously achieve difficulty measurement and maintain the consistency of self-supervised representations. The proposed BOLT is evaluated on three medical image processing tasks, i.e., skin lesion classification, knee fatigue fracture grading and diabetic retinopathy grading. The experimental results validate the superiority of our BOLT for medical image classification, compared to ImageNet pretrained weights and state-of-the-art self-supervised learning approaches.
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Knowledge graph embedding (KGE), which maps entities and relations in a knowledge graph into continuous vector spaces, has achieved great success in predicting missing links in knowledge graphs. However, knowledge graphs often contain incomplete triples that are difficult to inductively infer by KGEs. To address this challenge, we resort to analogical inference and propose a novel and general self-supervised framework AnKGE to enhance KGE models with analogical inference capability. We propose an analogical object retriever that retrieves appropriate analogical objects from entity-level, relation-level, and triple-level. And in AnKGE, we train an analogy function for each level of analogical inference with the original element embedding from a well-trained KGE model as input, which outputs the analogical object embedding. In order to combine inductive inference capability from the original KGE model and analogical inference capability enhanced by AnKGE, we interpolate the analogy score with the base model score and introduce the adaptive weights in the score function for prediction. Through extensive experiments on FB15k-237 and WN18RR datasets, we show that AnKGE achieves competitive results on link prediction task and well performs analogical inference.
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